
Good acoustic design means a room environment that supports:

  • Comfortably audible speech that is easy to understand– so your audience can concentrate on the content instead of straining to make out the words
  • An acoustic ambience befitting the importance of the space
  • High fidelity music – so listeners can enjoy every note as it is intended to be heard

A combination of solid engineering and creative innovation is required to address the unique challenges of each acoustic situation. Drawing on an extremely high level of theoretical understanding and an arsenal of state-of the-art test and measurement equipment, our team combines 200-odd years of experience with a love of sound.

  • Auditorium acoustics
  • Modelling with Odeon and Catt
  • Acoustics for critical listening spaces
  • General building acoustics
  • Speech intelligibility & privacy
  • Acoustic comfort & noise exposure
  • Building services noise & vibration control